Tag Archives: Blogging

Blogging Regularly

Ruben blogged recently about blogging regularly and it kind of hit me: Why don’t I blog regularly?

I love blogging. I improved my Armenian by blogging for years, I wanted to be a blogger so bad that I asked my friends to rent me a domain and a hosting service since I didn’t have money when I moved to Armenia after the war.

But yet again, it’s very hard for me to write my thoughts in English. Armenian? Yes, sure, I can write a very complex sentence very easily. English, however, the language that I think in, the language that I grew up having a love&hate relationship with, is not the language that I’m good at writing. I can talk English very well, at least I’ve been told, but writing is not there yet.

There are a lot of points that Ruben made that I love to be more mainstream. Use ANY blogging platform, literally any, as long as they don’t treat you as the product (Medium as an example). Write about anything, everything. I would love to hear about your daily life, how you solve problems, no matter if it’s about that very complex DB issue you’ve been having or the water pipe that has been leaking. They are all interesting.

At the end of the day the internet is the place that allowed everyone to speak. Now we are fighting over who gets to be heard.

But with blogs and RSS, everyone will be.

That’s all folks.

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