Daily Archives: March 21, 2022

Music Monday: gorgeouz beats

I saw the silly milestone of Rubenerd regarding 8,000 blog posts and the feedback about it, which got me thinking: even if I don’t blog what’s on my mind due to lack of time and skills, I can, still, blog about some things that I like. Following the concept of Music Monday, I’ll be also doing Citing Saturday, where I cite whatever I find interesting, that being technical, political or otherwise.

So two posts a week (at minimum) that’s 2×52 = 104 posts in a year.

Am I trying to reach a number? No. I’m just trying to build a framework where I can be more… consistent.

So, Monday it is, I’d like to present an artist that I found about late last year, and I’ve been buying his work from iTunes Store since then, please welcome, gorgeouz beats, a musical experimental laboratory.

Here are my favorites:

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