Tag Archives: rant

Linux is dead, long-live Docker monoculture

Full Discloser: While reading this blog post, please put yourself in my shoes. You’ve been looking around for a simple monitoring solution, you found some. None of the some are working because you use an Operating System that is used by Apple, WhatsApp, Netflix and many more, but developers think that everyone, everywhere, runs either macOS or Linux. And they all use Docker.

A while back Rubenerd wrote that he’s not sure that UNIX won and how Linux created a monoculture of assuming everything is supposed to run on Linux.

For me, this was not much of a problem, I can run Linux binaries on FreeBSD, I even watch Netflix using Linuxulator.

But now things are on another level, WAY another level.

I have a simple monitoring setup using cron, Grafana, InfluxDB and ping. It basically pings my servers and sends me a telegram message if they are down.

I set that up years ago, but now I have more public facing infrastructure that other people use as well, such as an Armenian Lobsters instance, Jabber.am, a WriteFreely instance and more.

As a self-respecting Ops, I wanted to make a simple dashboard for my users to see the uptime status of these services as well. First, they won’t bug me asking if something is not working; they will SEE, that, SSL/TLS certificate is expired, or the network is an issue, or that the server is down.


So I started hunting on the internet for some software that do just that.

The first one that came to my mind was Gatus. I’ve used Gatus before for one of my clients, I like it a lot. It’s simple, it does what it’s supposed to do.

As a sane person, I fetched the code from GitHub using fetch, extracted the tarball and ran make. Nothing happens. Let’s see the Makefile, shall we?

Docker executed in Make

Oh boy, if only, only, I had Docker, all my problems would be solved. First of all, let’s talk about the fact that this Makefile is used as a… script. There’s no dependencies in the targets!

Okay, let’s read that Dockerfile. Executing the scripts inside it should help out, aye?

# Build the go application into a binary
FROM golang:alpine as builder
RUN apk --update add ca-certificates
COPY . ./
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -mod vendor -a -installsuffix cgo -o gatus .

# Run Tests inside docker image if you don't have a configured go environment
#RUN apk update && apk add --virtual build-dependencies build-base gcc
#RUN go test ./... -mod vendor

# Run the binary on an empty container
FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /app/gatus .
COPY --from=builder /app/config.yaml ./config/config.yaml
COPY --from=builder /app/web/static ./web/static
COPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

There are multiple things wrong in me this.

First, please stop putting your binaries in /app, please, pretty-please? We have /usr/local/bin/ for that.

Second, I thought that running go build without GOOS=linux would solve all of my problems. I was wrong, very wrong.

root@mon:~/gatus/gatus-2.8.1 # env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -mod vendor -a -installsuffix cgo -o gatus .
package github.com/TwinProduction/gatus
        imports github.com/TwinProduction/gatus/config
        imports github.com/TwinProduction/gatus/storage
        imports github.com/TwinProduction/gatus/storage/store
        imports github.com/TwinProduction/gatus/storage/store/sqlite
        imports modernc.org/sqlite
        imports modernc.org/libc
        imports modernc.org/libc/errno: build constraints exclude all Go files in /root/gatus/gatus-2.8.1/vendor/modernc.org/libc/errno

Okay, check this out, the package is called modernc.org/sqlite and it says:

Package sqlite is a CGo-free port of SQLite.

SQLite is an in-process implementation of a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.

Of course it is. Looks like I have to port all of this to FreeBSD. Which, don’t get me wrong, I’m okay with doing that, but I thought that we have POSIX for a reason. notsomuch.

Okay, I’m an open-source guy, I’ll spend some time this weekend to port this to FreeBSD. Let’s look for another solution!

Here’s another one, it’s called statping, also written in Go, the readme is so promising.

No Requirements

Statping is built in Go Language so all you need is the precompile binary based on your operating system. You won’t need to install anything extra once you have the Statping binary installed. You can even run Statping on a Raspberry Pi.

Sounds good! Let’s try it out.

Again, I fetch the tarball, I extract and I bake make.

apt executed in Make

Of course it requires apt! Because not only we all run Linux, be we all run a specific distribution of Linux with a specific package manager.

While tweeting with anger, Daniel pointed out that I should tell them kindly and it’ll work out. I’m sure it will. Let’s hope I can make it work first. I don’t like just opening issues. I’d rather send a patch directly.


Overall, now I understand why most *BSD folks use, what’s the word here? ah, yes, old-school software on their systems, like Nagios and the rest.

The developers of the New World Order will assume, always, you are running Linux, as Ubuntu, and you always have Docker.

Hopefully this weekend I will be able to port these software to FreeBSD, otherwise I will just use the Linux layer.

Like Rubenerd said, I am thankful that the mainstream-ness of Linux helped other Unix systems as well, but monocultures are destroying what people have spent years to improve.

Hopefully, next week, I will write a blog post on how to fix these issues and how I got all of those up and running.

That’s all folks…

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Barcamp EVN21, or why we don't build more products

The year was 2021, the month, July, the day was the 10th and I was very happy. It was Barcamp Yerevan again, the new year of the tech industry, the day we all share knowledge, the day people come NOT to listen to talks but to take stickers and t-shirts instead, because it’s free, as in beer as well as in speech.

Not all people are like that, some of them give talks. I’ve been giving talks since Barcamp Yerevan 2016. Since it’s a free unConference, we get a lot of sponsors, from small outsourcing companies to large ISPs and Gambling-as-a-Service providers.

Usually, during an unConference such as this, there are 1) sponsored talks, by the sponsors, 2) selected talks, by individuals, which are selected by a committee and 3) unConference talks, where people just write on a wall “Talk about X at room Y, ZZ PM” and whoever is interested goes there to listen.

Usually, there’s this habit, that if the unconference talk is not good, then people leave the room by smashing the door on the way out. Usually, the selected talks are good, because good job committee, usually the sponsored talks are good, because sponsors don’t want to send an engineer who’d give a bad talk.

But this year was not a usual one. This year was the exact opposite.

The uncoference talks were awesome, people from random companies were talking about how to work remotely, how to work from outside the heart and the capital of Armenia, Yerevan. People were talking about how to start a community. People were talking about audio system and audio engineering.

The selected/sponsored talks were the… I’m not sure I know how to describe this, but, they were what they are supposed to be, sponsored talks by sponsors.

Here is an example. A system engineer fellow talks about infrastructure automation, how tools like Terraform are cool, what is an automat… no sorry, he did NOT talk about the benefits of an automated infrastructure nor what problems it solves. I wondered why.

At the end of the talk someone asked “so have you implemented this at YOUR company?” and the fellow answered “Well, not really, some bits here and there”, and I got the answer to my why question.

He did not know, because he was not talking from experience. That’s why there was no storytelling, there was no “sharing” of experience. It was only a talk, which is what the sponsored company was aiming for anyway.

Now for me, a systems engineer, I can see BS lack of experience like that in a minute, but I asked my friends if ALL the talks were the same, the marketing ones, the media ones, the ones about “how to grow your company,” and guess what, all of my expert friends in other fields agreed with me.

We also had panels. I was on one of those panels, I think it was called “Security Panel” which was supposed to be about… Security, as in InfoSec. But instead we talked about the war and the post-war status of the “cyber” security field in the country.

Last but not least, the guests, they were awesome, all of them, they shared a LOT of knowledge with the audience, which I hope will have an impact long-term.

Alas, that’s the pain of running a free, corporate-sponsored (un)conferences. You give voice to people who have the money, which not necessarily have the knowledge nor the experience. And this is why we don’t have more product companies in Armenia. We are not producers, we don’t have the experience. We are consumers, we are not part of open-source communities, and if a fellow is then everyone will point out as if it’s some god-ish action to contribute to software.

Hopefully, next year will be better.

P.S. Every year I give the last talk on the last day, since people stick around and ask me questions and I don’t like to ignore questions or free the room for the next speaker. All my previous talks are on my personal page on the new Barcamp Yerevan website. This year I was at 10:30AM… Most of the organizers who knew me personally were afraid that I’d oversleep. Luckily, such disaster was averted thanks to Syuneci.

That’s all folks.

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macOS to FreeBSD migration a.k.a why I left macOS

I think the title tells a lot about the story I’m going to tell you.

This is not a technical documentation for how I migrated from macOS to FreeBSD. This is a high-level for why I migrated from macOS to FreeBSD.

Not so long ago, I was using macOS as my daily driver. The main reason why I got a macbook was the underlying BSD Unix and the nice graphics it provides. Also, I have an iPhone. But they were also the same reasons for why I left macOS.

I did not want to write this post right after the migration, I wanted to take my time, use FreeBSD daily, see if I will ever miss macOS.

Here’s a tweet of mine from 8 months ago

Let’s look at it this way. macOS is becoming less Unix-y every year, date(1) is outdated, there are 100+ Unix processes running by the time the system is booted, most of them are useless for the general user, it has no native package manager (at least MacPorts/homebrew/pkgsrc is out there) and for a power user, there is no proper documentation. Have you ever checked the FreeBSD handbook? Everything is right there!

Okay, the nice graphics part. Have you seen the latest and greatest Big Sur? It feels like eye-candy, it’s not made for power users at all, everything seems to be a distraction now, even the icons. I’m no UI guru, but bringing iOS to the desktop is not for everyone.

So I decided to move to FreeBSD. This is where many people will tell me “Okay but not everything works outside the box”, true! but which OS works outside the box these days anyway? Windows is still a nightmare, setting up macOS took me 3 days the last time, Linux takes way more if you’re building it from scratch. Setting up FreeBSD took me 3 days, however this meant that I will NOT need to change it again for a very, very, VERY long time.

Every time Apple pushed an updated, my pf.conf and automount configs got broken on macOS. They either got deleted or they moved somewhere. Well, the last 2 times it just got deleted.

On FreeBSD, I upgraded from 12.1-RELEASE to 12.2-RELEASE and nothing broke, and in case there were any changes, FreeBSD just asked me what to do about them.

Let’s come back for a second. Unix is outdated and Apple does not care about it, fancy graphics are too fancy now. Doing forensics is almost impossible. And the hardware is, well, not the best out there (have you ever disassembled a MacBook Pro? it’s takes 2 hours to change a battery while I can reassemble my Dell Latitudes and ThinkPads in 30 minutes).

So there was no reason to stay here anymore. I had to migrate. The question is: where?

Linux has systemd, not my favorite thing out there, Windows is privacy nightmare. That left me with 2 major options: Linuxes without systemd (Gentoo, in my case) or BSDs.

Since I run FreeBSD servers anyway, I just migrated to FreeBSD.

Here’s a short review about running FreeBSD on ThinkPad T480s.

  • WiFi: works. not the fastest, but fast enough.
  • Graphics: works.
  • Touchpad: works with multiple fingers AND very configurable via sysctl.
  • BT does discovery and pairs, I still have to try it with non-Apple headphones.
  • COVID-19 era: Zoom, Google Hangouts, Jitsi and all other WebRTC-based video conferencing software works via web as well.
  • Thanks to Linuxulator, I can watch Netflix as well: here’s a screenshot.

Most importantly, it’s Free and Open Source.

It’s been 1 month and 1 day since I last touched my MacBook Pro, so, what do I miss?

  • Better BT support
  • Faster WiFi

That’s it, that’s all missing on a FreeBSD laptop these days. WiFi can do 48Mbps according to ifconfig but I usually get 10-20Mbps. BT pairs with my Apple AirPods but I wish it worked till the end.

Having a nice workstation/laptop is not an easy thing, using macOS means living by Apple rules, Windows is the same for Microsoft. The BSDs gave me the power to be as free as possible 🙂

During the next weeks I’ll try to blog about the actual setup.

P.S. dear Apple employee, in case you’re reading this, please tell your management to update their BSD Unix layer. Some of us still care, some of us are not just Docker people, some of us are not just “modern” web developers. Thanks in advance.

That’s all folks! 🙂

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