Tag Archives: debugging

dtrace.conf is back as dtrace.conf(24)

Woke up middle of the night to grab a cup of water, decided to check Mastodon, and what do I see?

dtrace.conf(24) Tickets, Wed, Dec 11, 2024 at 9:00 AM

This makes me very happy! I love seeing DTrace in the wild, and having more DTrace content out there is beneficial to everyone in the DTrace community.

Obviously, being a Syrian with passport issues, I will not be able to attend, but hopefully everything will be recorded and published online. I’ll try to make it to dtrace.conf(28).

Have fun everyone!

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Wrong Indicators

Bryan Cantrill has this amazing talk about debugging where he tells the story of Three Mile Island.

After watching that talk all I thought was “well, let’s hope this doesn’t happen in my life”, and by “my life”, I meant my personal or work server, not my AFK life!

55 days ago my girlfriend and I moved to a new apartment downtown the capital. I like everything about this house, specially that many things are electric, including the stove.

Like a sane person, when I see a stove with multiple levels (1, 2, 3) I assume that the lowest number is the lowest and highest number is the highest.

Now you’d think and say “Antranig, didn’t you notice that your cooking was talking 2 hours, so there must be something wrong?”

Oh no, my friend, very much no. As you can see we have two stove tops, a small one and a big one. Now, the small one is working very fine. At the highest level it heats more than at lowest level.

But the big one, the big stove top, not so much.

We thought that there’s a problem with that top and used it only during slow emergencies.

One day I come home from work and Lilith is laughing. I asked “what happened?” and she replied “you’re not gonna believe this!”

Well she was right, it’s been couple of days now and I still can’t believe this. I mean if both of the stove tops were in reverse order, I would understand that someone was very Unix-y and they wanted to design it similar to nice.

But when each of those knobs are the exact opposite of each other, it makes you think, “why me?”

Why me indeed.

That’s all folks!

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Erlang dbg Intro

If there’s one programming language that changed my life, that’s Erlang. After using Erlang for couple of years, I “moved” to Elixir, which is based on Erlang’s VM.

One the most important aspects of Erlang’s VM is that it’s a “real” VM, there’s a kernel, processes, messaging facilities and many more.

Lately I’ve been debugging a huge Erlang application whose architecture I was not very familiar with and I needed to find a way to see what kind of messages are being sent and received, which Modules and Functions are being called and what are they returning.

So I wanted to write a small How-To for me and you, in case we need it again in the future.

Okay, for this example I’ll be using Elixir TCP Server, a simple TCP server that gets data and sends it back to its origin.

First, let’s clone the repo.

antranigv@zvartnots:prj $ git clone https://github.com/SonaTigranyan/ElixirTcpServer

Okay, now let’s run the server

antranigv@zvartnots:ElixirTcpServer $ iex -S mix
Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]

Compiling 3 files (.ex)
Generated tcp_server app
Interactive Elixir (1.10.3) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)

Good! By default, the TCP server listens on port 9000, as specified in the Application Tree.

Okay, we can send data now 🙂

antranigv@zvartnots:ElixirTcpServer $ echo test | nc localhost 9000

Or in an interactive way!

antranigv@zvartnots:ElixirTcpServer $ nc localhost 9000
First mesage!
First mesage!
Good TCP server!
Good TCP server!
antranigv@zvartnots:ElixirTcpServer $

Good! As you can see the connection is closed when the server gets bye.

Okay, say we want to trace the do_send function, observe what does it get and return.

iex(2)> :dbg.start()
{:ok, #PID<0.191.0>}
iex(3)> :dbg.tracer()
{:ok, #PID<0.191.0>}
iex(4)> :dbg.tpl(TcpServer, :do_send, [{:_, [], [{:return_trace}]}])
{:ok, [{:matched, :nonode@nohost, 1}, {:saved, 1}]}
iex(5)> :dbg.p(:new_processes, :c)
{:ok, [{:matched, :nonode@nohost, 0}]}
(<0.198.0>) call 'Elixir.TcpServer':do_send(#Port<0.545>,"Message from client!\n")

Okay, first we start the dbg facility, and then we start a tracing server on the local node.

After that, we use function tpl to specify which local calls we want to trace.

And in the end we use the p function to start tracing the calls (c) of all new_processes 🙂

Now, when the do_send function is called, we see what it gets.

And when we send bye, we see the following:

(<0.198.0>) returned from 'Elixir.TcpServer':do_send/2 -> ok

And all of this is happening when the software system is running. In production, we can do the same, by either attaching to the node or connecting to it!

That’s all folks! 🙂

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